Wednesday, April 28, 2010

... if you show me yours

I don't feel like doing anything serious today. So, mannequin butts! Oh, but pretend I said some artistic sounding stuff about tonalities and study of the human form, or something.



nicki0731 said...

So for fashion's sake the ladies get actual nipples, but men get a general lump? Oh wait, just pretend I was making commentary about the artistic portrayal of the human condition...

BKR said...

I don't think you can tell from this photo. The other mannequin's arm is covering up the male areolar region. Either way, it looks like they may have gotten some "(un)natural male enhancement."

I guess the male form is not quite as naturally perfect as the female.

nicki0731 said...

Hah, I was actually referring to the difference between the detail provided on the northern region of the female and the southern region of the male. :)