Sunday, March 28, 2010

Travel by Train

The light rail train passing through Union Station. This was taken on the Saturday night after the Saint Patrick's Day parade. The trains were running for free, to get the drunks safely out of town. As you might imagine, there were some interesting people there. There was Guy Puking On Bench, Drunk Chicks Wearing Kilts, Guy Trying to Start A Fight (with added benefit of yelling "Fag!" as the other guy walked away... until well after he was out of sight).

Thankfully none of them bothered me this time. Instead I talked to a cheerfully soused new father who had wrangled a kitchen pass for the day. He had tried to break his Chicago dog eating record (six), but fell short by two. Should've had less Irish beer, and more Irish whisky. Better luck next year.


lafaminit said...

B - that is one cool picture.

BKR said...

Thanks J!