Thursday, February 12, 2009

And the Winner Is…

Wendy & I entered our first art show last month (since grade school, anyway), a tenant art show at Wendy’s office building.


We each entered four pieces, under the assumption that only one or two would actually be selected. Much to our surprise they hung all eight pieces, giving us an entire wall section to ourselves.


They did actually judge the pieces, but not until today. In the end I won an honorable mention for one of my aspens photos (above). More important, Wendy won first place in the amateur category for her photo Hombre Misterioso! Her photo now goes on to a multi-company contest, which I take to be sort of like regionals.


Here’s a full size version of Wendy’s winning photo. This is a shot from a street festival in Cusco, Peru. Cool!



I thought I had posted all of these before, but it turns out of the ones we submitted only three of Wendy’s and one of mine were shown here before. So here are all six of the others we submitted.








Don’t forget, if you want to buy any of these award winning works of art you know where to find me. I might even cut you a deal.


Anonymous said...

DOOD! And DOOD-ette! That is AWESOME!!!

Great pieces too! Congrats.


Anonymous said...

No posting for 3 months, and then you try to sell us something? Sheesh...
Haha, Congrats to you both - excellent works!

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of Napalm in the smells like victory! (or cat food!)

tr said...

Congratulation to you both! The photos are really superb. Wendy's is an obvious National Geographic front cover shot, capturing the feeling and place. Incredible!

BKR said...

Thanks everyone!

@Nicki0731, hey, I didn't try *very hard* to sell it. I might even give you a discount! Well, not you, but everyone else ;)