Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Millenium Bridge Shoot

Last weekend I went on a photo shoot with Christian and a couple girls he knew, Elise (left) and Ronnise (right).

We headed down to the Millenium Bridge (that's the one with the goofy spire at the end of 16th Street). We started out on the train tracks beneath the bridge. There were a couple of railroad drifters down there, waiting to catch a train to San Francisco and hitting a bottle of Wild Turkey. I guess that added some authentic railroad flavor. Thankfully they didn't cause any trouble.

At sunset we headed up on top of the bridge and continued shooting until well after dark. I walked away with about 575 photos, about 6 GB worth. I managed to pare it down to 74 photos. You can see all of them in the gallery, if you've got the time. Christian took about 650 photos and managed to pare it down to the 50 or so in his gallery.

A few more of my favorites...


Anonymous said...

The b/w with the elbow and the last b/w are both awesome. Very sensual.. wowsa. Well done.

Anonymous said...

How old are these women?