Monday, May 21, 2007

PPD 81

Wendy & I went for an after dinner walk this evening. As we walked past some bushes this kitten bounded out on his boundless energy and spring-loaded legs. He was a friendly little critter, readily running up next to us before losing interest and diving back into the bushes. Eventually he crawled under a fence and disappeared.

Monday, May 14, 2007

PPD 80

Just something to do on a rainy evening. And after I washed the dishes too!

Friday, May 11, 2007

PPD 79

I got this shot of a neighbor's tree while returning from a late night at work. What you can't see is that I was standing on my tiptoes leaning over their fence to get this. Thankfully they don't have a dog.

Monday, May 07, 2007

No more pencils, no more books...

Wendy just finished her last final for her last semester in college. It's a pretty safe bet that she passed them all, so that's pretty much it for her. Congratulations Wendy!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Free Netflix

Netflix just sent me one of their promotional coupons, one month free for anyone that signs up for a new account. If you want it email me.