Last weekend I gathered the Canyon Crew and headed off to Utah again. This time to an area charmingly named Poison Springs. Despite the name it’s actually a nice area – as evidenced by the bizarre crowding. Usually we’ll see at most one other group all weekend, but this time there were about 10 cars there, and a bachelor party of 11 guys!

No matter, we still managed to do three canyons in two days.
The canyons in the area are named in keeping with the “poison springs” theme.

On Saturday we descended Arscenic, followed by Slideanide. Then on Sunday we jaunted down the road to the Irish canyons and descended Shillelagh.

More photos on Smugmug, but I'll throw a few of myself in here because… ego, I guess.

Looking down past my own leg there. This was standing on a ledge about halfway down a rappel.

I believe this is the second drop in Shillelagh, but I could be wrong.

Slideanide, maybe?

Standing in Arscenic Arch

Screwing around while other people get down an unusually long elevator downclimb.