A few of you may recall that way back around this time last year, I wrote that National Geographic Traveler had called me about one of my photos. Well, it turns out that was a bit optimistic. They had space constraints, so the article with my photo got pushed back. And then pushed back again. But it’ll be published some day! Really!
I had pretty much written it off. Plans change, that’s life. I’ll get ‘em another time. But lo and behold, they finally got around to publishing the article! It’s “Beyond Mesa Verde,” in the April issue. This time I’m pretty sure it’s for real, because they mailed me two copies, and the photo on page 90 looks real familiar. It’s not a giant print, just a few square inches in the middle of the page, but I’m still happy about it. Go buy an issue and take a look! OK fine, I know some of you are a little cheap, if you just take a look and put it back on the rack I won’t tell anyone.
Just in case you forgot, here’s that photo again.